SHARP Zaurus

SL-5000D/SL-5500 Supported Basic Commands

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Commands Category Path on SL-5000D Comments
addgroup command /bin Create a new uer
link to /bin/tinylogin
adduser command /bin Create a new user or update default new user information
link to /bin/tinylogin
apm command /usr/local/bin query Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS
apmd daemon /usr/local/bin Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS daemon
ar command /usr/bin Extract or list files from an ar archive
link to /bin/busybox
arp system /sbin manipulate the system ARP cache
ash command /bin command interpreter (shell)
automount system /usr/sbin configure mount points for autofs
badblocks system /sbin search a device for bad blocks
basename command /usr/bin Strips directory path and suffixes from filenames
link to /bin/busybox
bash command /bin command interpreter (shell)
busybox command /bin The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
cardmgr daemon /sbin PCMCIA device manager
cat command /bin concatinate files and print on the standard output
link to busybox
chat system /usr/sbin Automated conversational script with a modem
chattr command /usr/bin change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
chgrp command /bin change group ownership
link to busybox
chmod command /bin change file access permitions
link to busybox
chown command /bin change file owner and group
link to busybox
chroot command /sbin run command or interactive shell with special root directory
link to /bin/busybox
chroot command /usr/sbin run command or interactive shell with special root directory
link to /bin/busybox
chvt command /usr/bin change foreground virtual terminal
link to /bin/busybox
clear command /usr/bin clear the terminal screen
link to /bin/busybox
cp command /bin copy files and directories
link to busybox
cut command /usr/bin remove sections from each line of files
link to /bin/busybox
date command /bin print or set the system date and time
link to busybox
dc command /usr/bin an arbitrary precision calculator
link to /bin/busybox
dd command /bin convert and copy a file
link to busybox
deallocvt command /usr/bin deallocate unused virtual terminals
link to /bin/busybox
debugfs system /sbin ext2 file system debugger
delgroup command /bin Delete a group
link to /bin/tinylogin
deluser command /bin Delete a user account and related files
link to /bin/tinylogin
depmod system /sbin handle dependency descriptions for loadable kernel modules
df command /bin report filesystem disk space usage
link to busybox
dhcpcd daemon /sbin DHCP client daemon
dhcpd daemon /usr/sbin Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
dirname command /usr/bin strip non-directory suffix from name
link to /bin/busybox
dmesg command /bin print or control the kernel ring buffer
link to busybox
dnsdomainname command /bin show the system's DNS domain name
link to hostname
dosfsck system /bin check and repair MS-DOS file systems
dpkg command /usr/bin WORK IN PROGRESS, only useful for debian-installer
link to /bin/busybox
dpkg_deb command /usr/bin Perform actions on debian packages (.debs)
link to /bin/busybox
du command /bin estimante file space usage
link to busybox
du command /usr/bin estimante file space usage
link to /bin/busybox
dumpe2fs system /sbin dump filesystem information
dumpkmap command /bin Prints out a binary keyboard translation table to standard output
link to busybox
dump_cis system /sbin display PCMCIA Card Information Structures
dutmp command /usr/sbin Dump utmp file format (pipe delimited) from FILE or stdin to stdout. (i.e., `dutmp /var/run/utmp')
link to /bin/busybox
e2fsck system /sbin check a Linux second extended file system
e2label system /sbin Change the label on an ext2 filesystem
echo command /bin display a line of text
link to busybox
egrep command /usr/bin print lines matching a pattern
link to /usr/bin/grep
elvis command /usr/bin an editor
env command /usr/bin run a program in a modified environment
link to /bin/busybox
expr command /usr/bin evaluate expressions
false command /bin do nothing, unsuccessfully
link to busybox
fbset command /usr/sbin show and modify frame buffer device settings
link to /bin/busybox
fgrep command /usr/bin print lines matching a pattern
link to /usr/bin/grep
fdflush command /bin Forces floppy disk drive to detect disk change
link to busybox
find command /usr/bin search for files in a directory hierachy
link to /bin/busybox
free command /usr/bin Display amount of free and used memory in the system
link to /bin/busybox
freeramdisk command /sbin Frees all memory used by the specified ramdisk
link to /bin/busybox
fsck system /sbin check and repair a Linux file system
fsck.ext2 system /sbin check and repair a Linux file system
link to /sbin/fsck
fsck.ext3 system /sbin check and repair a Linux file system
link to /sbin/fsck
fsck.minix command /sbin Performs a consistency check for MINIX filesystems
link to /bin/busybox
fsck.msdos system /sbin check and repair MS-DOS file systems
link to /sbin/dosfsck
ftl_check system /sbin Flash Translation Layer format checker
ftl_format system /sbin Flash Translation Layer formatting utility
ftp command /usr/bin Internet file transfer program
fuser command /bin identify processes using files or sockets
genksyms system /sbin generate symbol version information
getty command /sbin sets terminal mode, speed and line discipline
link to /bin/tinylogin
grep command /usr/bin print lines matching a pattern
gunzip command /bin expand files
gzip command /bin compress files
halt command /sbin stop the system
link to /bin/busybox
head command /bin output the first part of files
link to busybox
head command /usr/bin output the first part of files
link to /bin/busybox
hostid command /usr/bin print the numeric identifier for the current host
link to /bin/busybox
hostname command /bin show or set the system's host name
hwclock system /sbin query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
id command /usr/bin print real and effective UIDs and GIDs
link to /bin/busybox
ide_info system /sbin IDE device description tool
ifconfig system /sbin configure a network interface
ifport system /sbin select the transceiver type for a network interface
ifuser system /sbin identify destinations routed to a particular network interface
inetd daemon /usr/sbin internet ``super-server''
init system /sbin process control initialization
initlog command /sbin log messages and events to the system logger
insmod system /sbin install loadable kernel module
insmod_ksymoops_clean command /sbin
ipmaddr command /sbin
iptunnel command /sbin
irattach command /usr/sbin
kallsyms system /sbin Extract all kernel symbols for debugging
kernelversion command /sbin program to report major version of kernel
kill command /bin terminate a process
link to busybox
killall command /usr/bin kill processes by name
link to /bin/busybox
klogd daemon /sbin kernel log daemon
ksyms command /sbin display exported kernel symbols
launch command /sbin
length command /usr/bin Prints out the length of the specified string
link to /bin/busybox
ln command /bin make links between files
link to busybox
loadacm command /usr/bin Loads an acm from standard input
link to /bin/busybox
loadfont command /usr/bin Loads a console font from standard input
link to /bin/busybox
loadkmap command /sbin Loads a binary keyboard translation table from standard input
link to /bin/busybox
logger command /usr/bin make entries in the system log
link to /bin/busybox
login command /bin sign on
link to /bin/tinylogin
logname command /usr/bin print user's login name
link to /bin/busybox
ls command /bin list directory contents
link to busybox
lsattr command /usr/bin list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
lsmod system /sbin list loaded modules
MAKEDEV system /sbin create devices
makedevs command /sbin Creates a range of block or character special files
link to /bin/busybox
md5sum command /usr/bin Print or check MD5 checksums
link to /bin/busybox
mii-tool system /sbin view, manipulate media-independent interface status
mkdir command /bin make directories
link to busybox
mkdosfs system /sbin create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
mke2fs system /sbin create a Linux second extended file system
mkfifo command /usr/bin make FIFOs (named pipes)
link to /bin/busybox
mkfs.ext2 system /sbin create a Linux second extended file system
link to /sbin/mke2fs
mkfs.minix command /sbin Make a MINIX filesystem
link to /bin/busybox
mkfs.msdos system /sbin create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
link to /sbin/mkdosfs
mklost+found system /usr/sbin create a lost+found directories on a mounted Linux second extended file system
mknod command /bin make a block or charactor special files
link to busybox
mkswap command /sbin set up a Linux swap area
link to /bin/busybox
mktemp command /bin make temporary file name (unique)
link to busybox
modinfo system /sbin display information about a kernel module
modprobe system /sbin high level handling of loadable modules
more command /bin file persual filter for crt viewing
link to busybox
mount command /bin mount a file system
link to busybox
mt command /bin control magnetic tape drive operation
link to busybox
mv command /bin move (rename) files
link to busybox
nameif system /sbin name network interfaces based on MAC addresses
nc command /usr/bin arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
link to /bin/busybox
netstat system /bin Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
nslookup system /usr/bin query Internet name servers interactively
link to /bin/busybox
oncheck command /sbin
pack_cis system /sbin compile PCMCIA Card Information Structures
passwd command /usr/bin update a user's authentication tokens
link to /bin/tinylogin
pcinitrd system /sbin create a PCMCIA initrd ram disk image
pftp command /usr/bin Internet file transfer program
link to ftp
ping command /bin send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
link to busybox
plipconfig system /sbin fine tune PLIP device parameters
poweroff command /sbin stop the system
link to /bin/busybox
pppd daemon /usr/sbin Point to Point Protocol daemon
pppstats system /usr/sbin print PPP statistics
printf command /usr/bin format and print data
link to /bin/busybox
probe command /sbin
proxcfg command /bin Configure paraameters at run time for Proxim's RangeLAN2 and Symphony drivers
proxnet command /bin
ps command /bin report process status
pwd command /bin print name of current/working directory
link to busybox
qt command /sbin
rarp system /sbin manipulate the system RARP table
rb command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
reboot command /sbin stop the system
link to /bin/busybox
reset command /usr/bin terminal initialization
link to /bin/busybox
resize2fs system /sbin ext2 file system resizer
rm command /bin remove files or directories
link to busybox
rmdir command /bin remove empty directories
link to busybox
rmmod system /sbin unload loadable modules
link to insmod
route system /sbin show / manipulate the IP routing table
rpc.portmap daemon /usr/sbin DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
runlevel system /sbin find the current and previous system runlevel
rx command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
rz command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
safe_finger command /usr/sbin
sb command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
scsi_info system /sbin SCSI device description tool
sdmgr daemon /sbin SD card tiny manager
sed command /bin a Stream EDitor
setkeycodes command /usr/bin Set entries into the kernel's scancode-to-keycode map, allowing unusual keyboards to generate usable keycodes
link to /bin/busybox
setserial system /sbin get/set Linux serial port information
sh command /bin command interpreter (shell)
shsync command /sbin
slattach system /sbin attach a network interface to a serial line
sleep command /bin delay for a specified amount of time
link to busybox
sort command /bin sort lines of text files
link to busybox
sort command /usr/bin sort lines of text files
link to /bin/busybox
spm command /sbin
stty command /bin change and print terminal line settings
su command /bin run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
link to /bin/tinylogin
sulogin command /sbin Single user login
link to /bin/tinylogin
swapoff command /sbin disable devices and files for paging and swapping
link to /bin/busybox
swapon command /sbin enable devices and files for paging and swapping
link to /bin/busybox
sx command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
sync command /bin flush filesystem buffers
link to busybox
syslogd command /sbin Linux system logging utilities
link to /bin/busybox
sz command /usr/bin XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
tail command /usr/bin output the last part of files
link to /bin/busybox
tailf command /usr/local/bin follow the growth of a log file
tar command /bin create, extract, or list files from a tar file
link to busybox
tcpd daemon /usr/sbin access control facility for internet services
tcpdchk system /usr/sbin tcp wrapper configuration checker
tcpdmatch system /usr/sbin tcp wrapper oracle
tee command /bin read from standard input and write to standard output and files
link to busybox
tee command /usr/bin read from standard input and write to standard output and files
link to /bin/busybox
telnet command /usr/bin user interface to TELNET protocol
link to /bin/busybox
test command /usr/bin check file types and compare values
link to /bin/busybox
tinylogin command /bin sign on
touch command /usr/bin change file timestamps
link to /bin/busybox
tr command /usr/bin translate or delete characters
link to /bin/busybox
true command /bin do nothing, successfully
link to busybox
try-from command /usr/sbin
tty command /usr/bin print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
link to /bin/busybox
tune2fs system /sbin adjust tunable filesystem parameters on second exrtended filesystems
umount command /bin unmount file systems
link to busybox
uname command /bin print system informaton
link to busybox
uniq command /usr/bin remove dupricated lines from a sorted file
link to /bin/busybox
update command /sbin periodically flushes filesystem buffers
link to /bin/busybox
uptime command /usr/bin tell how long the system has been running
link to /bin/busybox
usleep command /bin sleep some number of microseconds
link to busybox
uudecode command /usr/bin decode a file created by uuencode
link to /bin/busybox
uuencode command /usr/bin encode a binary file
link to /bin/busybox
uuidgen command /usr/bin command-line utility to create a new UUID value
vi command /usr/bin an editor
link to /usr/bin/elvis
wc command /usr/bin print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
link to /bin/busybox
wget command /usr/bin a utility to retrive files from the World Wide Web
which command /usr/bin shows the full path of (shell) commands
link to /bin/busybox
whoami command /usr/bin print effective userid
link to /bin/busybox
xargs command /usr/bin executes command on every item given by standard input
link to /bin/busybox
yes command /usr/bin output a string repeatedly until killed
link to /bin/busybox
zcat command /bin expand files to standard output
[ command /usr/bin check file types and compare values
link to /bin/busybox